Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I was browsing over my FaceBook account last night, and I happened to notice something that really rubbed me the wrong way. After reading the entire comment, I could not help but be steaming hot mad over what it represented.

The comment was by a Business Professional, some one considered upper-level management by the company they work for, possibly even executive management. Now, I am almost sure that this person was not the only person involved in making the decision that FaceBook was reflecting, but nonetheless, every party involved should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

The comment simply read "


I have starred out the name of the company to protect them, tho at this point I'm not sure they deserve it. Now, I would like you all to read the Websters Collegiate Dictionary's definition of Nerd:

an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits.

..... now I don't want to stir the pot, but is this the type of environment that we as people are willing to work in. The word Nerd is a derogatory term, end of story. I am 23, and everyone my age, or anyone who can use Websters, can easily see that this just isn't okay. Some might know that Nerd may refer to a person who in-bodies the later part of the definition, but everyone knows that Nerd refers to the first part.

I encourage the public to stand up for themselves. Here is the procedure you need to follow in order to make sure your company does the right thing in this situation:

1. The first thing I would do is talk with your manager. Usually, they will understand and move towards a solution to benefit everyone.
2. If this doesn't work, you need to go to your H.R. person. Explain to them why your upset, that you have communicated this to your manager, and DO NOT BE AFRAID TO LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU FEEL NEEDS TO BE DONE TO FIX IT.

If after these two things you do not see an improvement, you have 3 options. First, you can go back to your H.R. person and let them know you are unhappy with the results of your first conversation. Second, you can go directly to your local labor board. Simply let them know the entire story, do not leave anything out. And finally, you can sue. This will be hard and long to follow through with, and can be costly.

I still do not understand how an entire company can let something like this happen. I truly feel that they should publicly apologize to their employees for this gross misconduct.

If you have any questions or comments, email them to me at caseforcontroll@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading, and remember, don't be a dumbass, control yourself.